عنوان مقاله نویسندگان تاریخ انتشار
Growth hormone, prolactin and cortisol response to exercise in patients with depression.مهدی محمدی نژاد۲۰۱۰-۱
The relationship between sources of sport confidence and athletic performance in young Iranian elite wrestlersحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,مهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۰-۹
Validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Movement Imagery Questionnaire 2مهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۰-۹
Visual skills involved in decision making by expert refereesحمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۱-۲
Validation of the Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP) in a Sample of Depressed Danish Psychiatric Patients: Applying Factor Analysesمهدی محمدی نژاد۲۰۱۱-۳
An overview of hypotheses of antidepressant effects of exercise, Part 1: Biological mechanismsمهدی محمدی نژاد۲۰۱۱-۷
Relationship between the bases of power of the principals and job involvement of the High School teachers of Physical Educationمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۲-۱
The relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and job burnout in the faculty members of physical educationمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۲-۵
The relationship between the health status of athletic facilities and participation in physical exercisesمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۲-۵
The effect of selected relaxation training with physical activity on mental well-beingمهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۲-۶
Determining Validity and Reliability of Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS-Plus) among Iranian Sampleمهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۲-۹
An investigation of stress management techniques in group and individual athletes in Rasht Cityمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۲-۱۲
A Study of Perception of Organizational Justice and its Relationship with the Demographical Characteristics in Staff Members of Physical Education Departmentsمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۳-۱
Effect of PETTLEP Imagery Training on Learning of New Skills in Novice Volleyball Playersمهدی سهرابی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۳-۱
Effects of Perceived Organizational Support on Organizational Entrepreneurship: Case Studyزهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۱۳-۱
The Role of Organizational Justice and Three Dimensions on Departments of Physical Education in Iranمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۳-۱
A Comparison of Job Involvement and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors among Physical Education Teachers at Seven Educational Districts in Mashhadمهدی طالب پور,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۳-۲
Organizational entrepreneurship predictions based on components of cultural intelligence Ang's four factorsمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۳-۳
Especial skill in the favorite locations of experienced Basketball Playersحمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۳-۴
The relationship between mental skills with competitive anxiety in athletic students of Eleventh Olympiad of universities in Iranحمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۳-۴
The Vital Factors for Small and Medium Sized Sport Enterprises Start-upsسیدمرتضی عظیم زاده۲۰۱۳-۴
A survey of risk management practices in public and private swimming pools in khorasan Razaviمهدی طالب پور,مهدی طالب پور,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۳-۵
Relationship between demographic characteristics and risk management operations aqua complex managers of Khorasan Razaviمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۳-۵
The Creation of Small and medium sized sport enterprises and the environmental factors affectingسیدمرتضی عظیم زاده۲۰۱۳-۵
The effects of physical therapy on exaggerated muscle tonicity, balance and quality of life on hemiparetic patients due to strokeحمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۳-۵
Evaluating the status of Total Quality Management in Sports and Youth Bureaus of Khorasan-e Razavi Province, Iranمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۳-۶
Measurement of research productivity and its relationship with the organizational culture of faculty members of physical education departments of public Universities of Iranمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۳-۶
Relationship between employees empowerment with organizational commitment in employess of Khorasan Razavi sport and youth administrationمهدی طالب پور,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی,زهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۱۳-۷
comparative and correlative study of optimism and menta lhealth status in active and non active elderly peopleزهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۱۳-۸
Exploring the relationship between employees’ perception of empowerment and organizational citizenship behaviorزهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۱۳-۸
The Relationship Between Cultural Intelligence And Its Dimensions With Organizational Entrepreneurshipمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۳-۸
The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Its Dimensions With Organizational Entrepreneurshipمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۳-۸
The Relationship between thinking styles with organizational innovation in physical education teachers of Iranمهدی طالب پور,مهدی طالب پور,زهرا سادات میرزازاده,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۳-۸
Optimal Timing of Mental Practice on Learning the Volleyball Service Skillمهدی سهرابی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۳-۱۰
Regression Equation Fitted to Knowledge Management and Organizational Effectiveness in the Selected Sport Organizations of Iranمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۳-۱۰
Comparison of job burnout among male and female teachers of physical education in Mashhad Region 6زهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۱۳-۱۱
Relationship between and accidents/injuries and lawsuits in risk management behaviors aqua complex managers of Khorasan Razaviمهدی طالب پور,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۳-۱۱
The effect of attentional focus type on performing of a motor task on elderliesعلیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۳-۱۱
The Effect of Working Memory Training on Gait in Older Adults with Balance Impairmentحمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۳-۱۱
A relationship between physical activity and healthy quality of life in studentsمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۴-۱
Analysis Role of Cost, Time and Attractiveness at leisure time physical activities in students of Tehran universities, Iranمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۴-۱
Effect of Balance Training on Balance and Confidence in Older Adultsحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,مهدی سهرابی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۴-۱
The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Training on Psychosocial Aspects of Men with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitusمهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۴-۱
The Effect of Mental Imagery Focus of Attention on Performance and Learning of Children Dart Throwing Skillمهدی سهرابی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۴-۲
The effects of a somatosensory interventions training on balance in healthy elderlyحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,مهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۴-۴
Neurofeedback and physical balance in Parkinson’s patientsحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,مهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۴-۵
The linear and quadratic link between metacognitive-knowledge, and self-regulation with goal-orientation of young male and female athletesمهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۴-۶
Service Quality Satisfaction among Eastern and Western Asia Sport Touristsمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۴-۷
Determining the factors affecting on performance evaluation of the national teams coaches of Wushu Federation of Republic Islamic of Iranمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۵-۱
The effect of dual task and executive training on pattern of gait in older adults with balance impairment: A Randomized controlled trialحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۵-۱
The Status and Strategic Condition Public Sport in Ghochan City Based on SWOT Analysisمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۵-۲
The Effect of Zinc Supplementation on Cognitive Performance in Schoolchildrenمهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۵-۸
The future of human resources in sport organizations with scenario making, the Case study: Developing country of Iranزهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۱۵-۱۱
Study of status and comparison website content of football premier league clubs in Iranسیدمرتضی عظیم زاده۲۰۱۵-۱۲
Identify and Analysis of Performance Evaluation Indicators of Iranian Goalball Coachesزهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۱۶-۱
Identify affecting Factors the increase in student participation in physical activity and solutionزهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۱۶-۵
Do Environmental Factors (Practice and Feedback) Moderate the Effect of the Val66met BDNF Polymorphism on Motor Learning?علیرضا صابری کاخکی,مهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۶-۶
Prioritise of strategic entrepreneurship dimensions of sports manufacturing industry of Iranسیدمرتضی عظیم زاده۲۰۱۶-۶
Effect of Video Modeling Demonstration from Different View on Coordination Changes of an Unfamiliar Task: An Important Point to Teachحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۶-۹
The Effect of Alpha Neurofeedback Training on Motor Skill Acquisitionحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۶-۹
The Effect of Observing Different Types of Information on Learning a Novel Motor Skillمهدی سهرابی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۶-۹
The Effects of Physical Activity on Impulse Control, Attention, Decision-making and Motor Functions in Students with High and Low Impulsivityمهدی سهرابی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۶-۹
The effect of strength training based on process approach intervention on balance of children with developmental coordination disorderمهدی سهرابی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۶-۱۰
Effect of Family Support on Children's Participation in Recreational Sports Activities of Torbat-e-Jamمحمد کشتی دار۲۰۱۶-۱۱
Effects of a selected exercise programon executive function of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disordeحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,مهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۶-۱۱
Designing a Model of Consumer Purchase Behavior towards Domestic Brands of Sports Apparelزهرا سادات میرزازاده,سیدمرتضی عظیم زاده۲۰۱۶-۱۲
The Comparison of Depth Perception in 7-9 Years Old Healthy Children with Developmental Coordination Disorderمهدی سهرابی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۶-۱۲
The Effect of Speed, Accuracy and Effector on Generalizability of Motor Programمهدی سهرابی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۶-۱۲
The Effect Specialization and Diversification Involvement on Learning of Sports Skills According To Deliberate Practice and Deliberate Playمهدی سهرابی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۶-۱۲
Designing a Model of Academic Sports Performance Management by Combining BSC and EFQM Excellence Model using QFD Techniqueمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۷-۲
Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport Industry: Development and Validation of Measurement Scaleمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۷-۲
Prediction of intention to continue sport in athlete students; A self- determination theory approachمحمد کشتی دار۲۰۱۷-۲
Effect of rhythmic auditory stimulation on gait kinematic parameters of patients with multiple sclerosisمهدی سهرابی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۷-۳
Formulation of human resou rce strategy using theory of strategic reference pointsزهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۱۷-۳
prioritizing the sports interests and comparison of demografic factors effects on household sports expenditures in shiraz city,iranزهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۱۷-۳
The Effect of Variability of Practice at Execution Redundancy Level in Skilled and Novice Basketball Playersحمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۷-۳
Researching Hemispheric Specialization in the Control of Final Position Accuracy Using the Transcranial Direct Current Stimulationعلیرضا صابری کاخکی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۷-۴
The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Different Symptoms of Depression: An Investigation of Psychological Mechanisms of Stress and Copingعلیرضا صابری کاخکی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۷-۴
The Role played by socio-cultural factors in sport consumer behaviorزهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۱۷-۴
Studying the anticipator of satisfaction in male customers of fitness centersمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۷-۵
Random versus blocked practice to enhance mental representation in golf putting taskحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۷-۶
The Effects of Moderate-Intensity Aerobic Activity Before and After Training on Acquisition and Consolidation Memory in Short Service Badmintonحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۷-۶
The effect of an aerobic exercise program on the quality of life in children with cancerمهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۷-۷
The Effect of Aerobic Indoor Exercise Compared with Green Exercise on Different Symptoms of Depression: An Investigation of Psychological Mediators of Stress and Copingعلیرضا صابری کاخکی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۷-۷
A prediction model for valuing in the premier gootball league of iranمحمد کشتی دار,مهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۷-۸
Electroencephalography Pattern Variations During Motor Skill Acquisitionحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۷-۸
Evaluate the Barriers to Attract Sponsors in the Sport: Industry of Khorasan Razaviمهدی طالب پور,سیدمرتضی عظیم زاده۲۰۱۷-۸
Effect of somatosensory and neurofeedback training on balance in older healthy adults: a preliminary investigationحمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۷-۱۰
The Effect of Bio/Neurofeedback Training on Performance, Audio and Visual Attention in Elite Shootersعلیرضا صابری کاخکی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۷-۱۰
The effect of brain hemispheres stimulation and how to specialize in programming a motor task: a transcranial direct current stimulation studyعلیرضا صابری کاخکی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۷-۱۰
The Relationship between motivation to teach and teaching method of Physical educatorsمهدی سهرابی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۷-۱۰
Service quality aspects and sports scientific conventions: An experience from Iranمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۷-۱۱
Investigating Sport attributional style, Sport self-efficacy and Creativity in Elite Team Athletesحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,مهدی محمدی نژاد۲۰۱۷-۱۲
Special motor program in the experienced dart players: support from kinematic dataحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۷-۱۲
The Effect of Knowledge Management through Human Resources Information Systems on Customer Relationship Management in Aquatic Sport Centersمحمد کشتی دار۲۰۱۷-۱۲
The effectiveness of acquisition and retentionof free throw skill by beginner basketball players through different methods: implicit learning of equipment modification (ILQM) and explicit learning (EL)مهدی سهرابی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۷-۱۲
Mouth advertising, an effective tool for loyalty of sport customers, case study: women's health clubs in Mashhadمهدی طالب پور,محمد کشتی دار۲۰۱۸-۱
Using video and live modelling to teach motor skill to children with autism spectrum disorderحمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۸-۳
Investigating the effect of brand identity and character on brand loyalty of football team fansمحمد کشتی دار,مهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۸-۴
The Variation of Acquisition, Consolidation Memory and Coordination Pattern of Elbow Joint in Short Service Badminton before and after Aerobic Trainingحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۸-۴
Which neurofeedback session is better for motor skill acquisition; before or after trainingحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۸-۴
The effects of different combinations of perceptual-motor exercises, music, and vitamin D supplementation on the nerve growth factor in children with high-functioning autismمهدی سهرابی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۸-۵
Structural Model of the Role of Brand Trust on Brand Identity through the Mediating Role of Brand Love among Fans of Futsal Premier League Clubs in Iranمحمد کشتی دار۲۰۱۸-۶
The Effect of the Special Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention on the Commitment to Exercise and Adherence to the Exercise Routineحمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۸-۷
Brand Personality of the Premier League of Iran's Soccer - Strategies and Consequencesفخرالسادات طباطبائیان نیم آورد۲۰۱۸-۸
The Effect of Psychological Skills Training (Goal Setting, Positive Selftalk and Imagery) on Self-Confidence of Adolescent Volleyball Playersمهدی محمدی نژاد۲۰۱۸-۸
The Mediating Role of Innovative Supportive Environment in the Relationship between Organizational Climate and Entrepreneurship in Physical Education Male Studentsمحمد کشتی دار۲۰۱۸-۸
Investigation of Psychometric Characteristics of Persian Version of Sport Attributional Style Scale (SASS) Among Elite Athletesمهدی محمدی نژاد,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۸-۹
The Effect of Explicit and Implicit Instructions and Sleep on Consolidation of the Accuracy of Elements of a Fine Motor Skillعلیرضا صابری کاخکی,مهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۸-۹
The Relationship Between Brand Perception Dimension with Branding's Top Clubs of Basketball and Handball Iran to Considering the Role of Mediator Fans Commitmentمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۸-۱۰
Comparison of the effects of perceptual-motor exercises, vitamin D supplementation and the combination of these interventions on decreasing stereotypical behavior in children with autism disorderمهدی سهرابی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۸-۱۱
Mediators of Development of Brand Personality in Iran Football Leagueفخرالسادات طباطبائیان نیم آورد۲۰۱۸-۱۱
Converting sports diplomacy to diplomatic outcomes: Introducing a sports diplomacy modelمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۹-۱
Perception of biological motions is preserved in people with autism spectrum disorder: electrophysiological and behavioural evidencesحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,مهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۹-۱
Designing the competitive advantage model to Iranian football club based on team reputationسیدمرتضی عظیم زاده,زهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۱۹-۲
The effect of how to perform movement sequences on absolute and relative timing transferمهدی سهرابی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۹-۲
Effects of a Motor Intervention Program on Motor Skills and Executive Functions in Children With Learning Disabilitiesمهدی سهرابی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۹-۳
Effects of Physical and Observational Practice on Intermanual Transferمهدی سهرابی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۹-۳
The Effects of 24-Hour Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive and Motor Skills of Male College Studentsحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,مهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۹-۴
The effect of different feedback functions and error estimation on the retention of dart throwa skill (An Emphasis on Sandwich Approach)مهدی سهرابی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۹-۶
Effects of 24 hour sleep deprivation on cognitive and motor skills in university studensحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,مهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۹-۷
Designing an Economic Valuation Model of the Intangible Assets of Volleyball Clubs in Iranمهدی طالب پور,محمد کشتی دار۲۰۱۹-۷
Modeling the Competitive Advantage of Iranian Soccer Clubs Based on the Team Reputation Considering the Satisfaction Level of Fans of the Selected Teamsسیدمرتضی عظیم زاده,زهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۱۹-۷
The effect of training on variability and accuracy of overhand throwing in children with Down syndromeمهدی سهرابی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۹-۷
Enhancing technological innovation capabilities: The role of human capital in Iran\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s sports production firmsمهدی طالب پور,سیدمرتضی عظیم زاده۲۰۱۹-۸
Explaining the Conceptual Model of Factors Affecting the Brand Identity of Handballسیدمرتضی عظیم زاده,محمد کشتی دار۲۰۱۹-۸
Social capital on the basis of spectating sportsمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۹-۸
The Impact of Sport Financial Sponsorship on Brand Equity and Performance: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Approachمحمد کشتی دار۲۰۱۹-۸
Identifying Sports Diplomacy Resources as Soft Power Toolsمهدی طالب پور۲۰۱۹-۹
Effect of physical and mental and combined exercises with the different sensory inputs on the dynamic balance of stroke patientsمهدی سهرابی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۱۹-۹
Power spectral parameter variations after transcranial direct current stimulation in a bimanual coordination taskحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,مهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۹-۱۰
<p>Is visuomotor training an effective intervention for children with autism spectrum disorders?</p>علیرضا صابری کاخکی,مهدی سهرابی۲۰۱۹-۱۱
The effect of aerobic exercise on various symptoms of depression: the mediating role of quality of lifeعلیرضا صابری کاخکی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۱۹-۱۱
Spectators on the Run: Factors Affecting Football Attendance in Iranian Football Matchesمهدی طالب پور,سیدمرتضی عظیم زاده,محمد کشتی دار۲۰۱۹-۱۲
Effects of Rhythmic and Simple Auditory Stimulations on Learning the Timing of Sequential Motor Task in Children With DCDعلیرضا صابری کاخکی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۲۰-۱
Designing and explaining the Quantum Productivity Model in the Ministry of Sport and Youth of the Islamic Republic of Iranمهدی طالب پور۲۰۲۰-۲
Using Eye Tracking Technology to Investigation the Impact of Celebrity Athlete Endorsement on the Attention to Advertisingسیدمرتضی عظیم زاده۲۰۲۰-۲
A multidimensional conceptualization of the sponsor-sponsee fit in sportمهدی طالب پور۲۰۲۰-۳
Enhancing Brand Performance based on Brand Orientation, Brand Identity and Brand Equity (Case study: the Sport and Youth General Office in Yazd)سیدمرتضی عظیم زاده۲۰۲۰-۵
Neural Mechanisms of the Contextual Interference Effect and Parameter Similarity on Motor Learning in Older Adults: An EEG Studyحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۲۰-۶
Predicting the Power of Famous Sport Endorser Indices on the Tendency to Purchase Sporting and Non-porting Goods: A Quasi-experimental Studyسیدمرتضی عظیم زاده,محمد کشتی دار۲۰۲۰-۶
The effect of task-specific balance training program in dual-task and single-task conditions on balance performance in children with developmental coordination disorderمهدی سهرابی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۲۰-۶
Algorithm-Based Practice Schedule and Task Similarity Enhance Motor Learning in Older Adultsحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۲۰-۷
The Effect of Sport on Audience Attention to Advertising with Use of brain Activityسیدمرتضی عظیم زاده,مهدی طالب پور۲۰۲۰-۷
The Role of TARP Factor in Social Network Advertising in Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention of Sport Brandsسیدمرتضی عظیم زاده۲۰۲۰-۷
Scenario Planning of the Future of Sports Tourism Industry in Mashhadمحمد کشتی دار۲۰۲۰-۹
Brand Identity Transfer and Consumers Sport Commitment in the Iranian Football Premier League: Mediating Role of Promotional and Advertising Toolsمحمد کشتی دار۲۰۲۰-۱۰
The comparison of Linear and Nonlinear pedagogy on the learning of table tennis forehand strokeعلیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۲۰-۱۰
Timing-Dependent Priming Effects of Anodal tDCS on Two-Hand Coordinationحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,مهدی سهرابی۲۰۲۰-۱۰
Design of an Analytical Model for Iranian Taekwondo Elites’ Awareness of the Components of a Personal Brand Imageمحمد کشتی دار۲۰۲۰-۱۱
Designing a Model of Micro Factor Affecting Personal Brand Development for Professional Athletes with Grounded Theory Approachسیدمرتضی عظیم زاده,مهدی طالب پور۲۰۲۰-۱۱
Effects of virtual reality training intervention on predictive motor control of children with DCD – A randomized controlled trialمهدی سهرابی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۲۰-۱۲
Examining the Effective Factors on the fans and spectators attendance in the Iranian Handball Premier Leagueمهدی طالب پور,زهرا سادات میرزازاده,محمد کشتی دار۲۰۲۰-۱۲
Preserved action recognition in children with autism spectrum disorders: Evidence from an EEG and eye‐tracking studyحمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۲۰-۱۲
The Effect of Parietal and Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Bimanual Coordinated Adaptive Motor Learningحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,مهدی سهرابی۲۰۲۱-۱
Variability and coordination patterns of walking with different speeds in active and non-active children with Down syndrome: A cross-sectional case-control studyعلیرضا صابری کاخکی,مهدی سهرابی۲۰۲۱-۳
Analysis of the No Return Point Hypothesis: The Effect of Audio and Visual Stimuli in the Fast Movements Inhibitionعلیرضا صابری کاخکی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۲۱-۴
Effective Factors on the Productivity of Human Capital via an Interpretive Structural Modeling (Case Study: General Office of Sports and Youth in Khorasan Razavi)محمد کشتی دار,مهدی طالب پور۲۰۲۱-۴
The Effect of Sport Events Environments on Audience Attention to Advertising Using Brain Activityسیدمرتضی عظیم زاده,مهدی طالب پور۲۰۲۱-۴
Pre-programming in overhand throwing of children with Down syndrome: role of the generalized motor programمهدی سهرابی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۲۱-۵
the relationship between competitive Advantage and strategic thinking in schools of physical Education in Iranزهرا سادات میرزازاده,سیدمرتضی عظیم زاده,محمد کشتی دار۲۰۲۱-۵
Assignment model with multi-objective linear programming for allocating choice ranking using recurrent neural networkزهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۲۱-۹
Effects of mento-physical exercises on mental fatigue of shift workمهدی محمدی نژاد۲۰۲۱-۱۱
The influences of personality and knowledge on safety-related behaviour among climbersمحمد کشتی دار۲۰۲۱-۱۲
Motor memory consolidation in children: The role of awareness and sleep on offline general and sequence-specific learningعلیرضا صابری کاخکی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۲۲-۱
Development of a strategic plan for the sport of futsal in Iraqمهدی طالب پور,سیدمرتضی عظیم زاده,محمد کشتی دار۲۰۲۲-۲
Analytical Study of Economic Effects of Elderly Sports in Iranزهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۲۲-۲
Adoption of Entrepreneurial Behaviours in Sports Tourism in Developing Countriesمحمد کشتی دار۲۰۲۲-۳
Effect of price transparency on the perception of fair price and satisfaction with the purchase of sports productsزهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۲۲-۵
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Resistance Training on Quality of Life, Depression, Muscle Strength, and Functional Exercise Capacity in Older Adults Aged 60 Years or Moreزهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۲۲-۸
Contextual Interference Effects on Approach Motivation When Learning Timing Tasks: A Frontal Electroencephalography (EEG) Alpha Asymmetry Study in Older Adultsحمید رضا طاهری تربتی,علیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۲۲-۸
Exploring Effective Features in ADHD Diagnosis among Children through EEG/Evoked Potentials using Machine Learning Techniquesحمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۲۲-۹
SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte<زهرا سادات میرزازاده,مهدی طالب پور,محمد کشتی دار۲۰۲۲-۱۰
Identifying the conceivable diplomatic outcomes of Sport Diplomacy initiativesمهدی طالب پور۲۰۲۲-۱۲
The role of speed-based strategy instruction on learning and transfer of motor sequences in a complex taskعلیرضا صابری کاخکی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۲۳-۱
The Effect of Spark Physical Program (Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids) on Quality of Life and Spirometry in 6-18-Year-Old Children with Cystic Fibrosisمهدی سهرابی۲۰۲۳-۵
An eye-tracking study on how the popularity and gender of the endorsers affected the audience’s attention on the advertisementسیدمرتضی عظیم زاده۲۰۲۳-۹
Identifying the Promoting and Inhibiting Factors in the Development of Womens Professional Basketball in Khorasan Razaviمهدی طالب پور,محمد کشتی دار۲۰۲۳-۱۰
Extracting gait and balance pattern features from skeleton data to diagnose attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in childrenحمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۲۳-۱۱
Identifying the dimensions of gender justice in the Iranian Ministry of Sport and Youthزهرا سادات میرزازاده,مهدی طالب پور۲۰۲۳-۱۱
A Novel Neurodynamic Model for Data Envelopment Analysis: A Case Study on Iran’s Olympic Sports Caravanزهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۲۳-۱۲
Effect of dual-task training on motor-cognitive interference among older women: implication for postural control during sit to stand in different visual conditionsحمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۲۳-۱۲
Effect of Zinc Supplementation on Anthropometric Parameters of Male School Childrenمهدی سهرابی۲۰۲۳-۱۲
The Distance Effect and Dual Task on Attentional Focus Cues During a Bimanual Taskعلیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۲۴-۱
Effects of contextual interference and differential learning on performance and mental representations in a golf putting taskعلیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۲۴-۲
Presenting the dynamic model of football in Qatar:The role of hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cupمهدی طالب پور,محمد کشتی دار,زهرا سادات میرزازاده۲۰۲۴-۱۰
Effects of Eight Weeks of Interval Swimming Training and Motor-Enriched Environment Activity Combined with Artemisia Extract on Serotonin and Dopamine Levels in the Brain Tissue of Rats with Parkinson s diseaseمهدی سهرابی,مهدی محمدی نژاد۲۰۲۴-۱۱
Customer Repeats Attendance Practices in Sports Clubs: Monitoring Customer Loyaltyزهرا سادات میرزازاده,مهدی طالب پور۲۰۲۵-۲
Cognitive, Neurophysiological, and Behavioral Adaptations in Golf Putting Motor Learning: A Holistic Approachعلیرضا صابری کاخکی,حمید رضا طاهری تربتی۲۰۲۵-۳
Comparing the effects of fine, gross, and fine-gross motor exercises on the motor competence of 6–12 year-old autistic children: A quasi-experimental study with a follow-up testعلیرضا صابری کاخکی۲۰۲۵-۴